Friday, January 6, 2012

On the New Year

Six days deep in to the New Year, and so far, nothing catastrophic has happened. As J has said, it seems like every year keeps getting shittier and shittier, but he always has high hopes for a new year, I think I might have to agree with that statement.

I even got back to work on the novel, of course it wasn't much, but it was a decent session, nearly a week ago now, but considering I hadn't worked on it in over a month, that's saying a lot. I know I'm taking a completely lax attitude toward this novel, much like I did with the last one, because I'm on no sort of deadline, there is no one to push me to make sure I work on it in a timely manner. There is only me to push myself, and anyone who knows me, knows I won't do that. In this new year, I thought it might be prudent to actually set deadlines for myself, to make a more strict schedule in regards to my writing, to actually keep a writing calendar. I set a flimsy deadline for myself to have this thing finished by June of this year, that is, the writing part. That doesn't include the editing, re-writes, formatting, etc. Of course, this goal might be attainable if I work at least 5-6 days a week, putting down at least 1,000 words. I've got roughly 25,000, and I'm still in the beginning of the story, there's a long road ahead. New Year, new goals!

The other day, I sort of came to the conclusion that I'll probably never amount to any sort of writer. I never really pushed very hard when the first book came out, I didn't throw myself out there to the wolves. I didn't advertise much (mainly because I'm poor), I didn't let people know that it was out there. I suppose I can blame that on my introverted personality though. Then again, I really shouldn't make excuses right? It's all a slippery slope, but what it comes down to is, I'm the only one who can make a change for myself.

Here's to hoping that 2012 will be better and brighter than 2011.