I'm really afraid of heights. I get vertigo if I'm somewhere high and I look down. Heights and I aren't the best of friends. So, for my birthday, I decided I should tackle something I'm afraid of, because, why not?

I think about the last year, and I realize that of course, this last year has been devoted to my boy. I've just been his mom. I haven't been Kate, I haven't been J's wife, just G's mom. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm pleased to be G's mom, but, I miss my old self, and I'm completely aware that I'll never fully get my old self back again, but I think I need to make a date with the old girl every now and then so I don't totally lose my shit.
Now that the little boy is getting older, and since he eats table food, he relies on me a little less as far as feeding, which gives me a little freedom. I don't have to make sure we're back together every two hours so he can go to town, I can have a cocktail every now and then, I don't have to worry if he's got enough milk or baby food on hand. The kid will find something to nosh on.
This isn't to say he needs me less. He still cries when I leave for work, and clings on tight when I get home, he still needs reassurance in the middle of the night and clings on when I take him out of his bed. He likes for me to sit down next to him while he plays with his toys, even if he ignores me. I think... he just likes having me around, it's a novel thought. Of course, the older he gets, the less he'll want me around, so... I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
In closing, it's been a good year. Full of ups and downs, stress, no sleep, worrying, tantrums, screaming, learning, and new experiences. I'm looking forward to another year of much of the same, maybe with a little less stress, tantrums, and screaming.