Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On Irritability

I found myself increasingly irritable at the office today. It seemed to surface out of no where. One moment I was mostly content, the next moment I felt like I wanted to break a window. When the phone rang, I wanted to toss it out into the street.

This could be due to low office morale at the moment, it could be due to the fact that this is my fifth year in a job that I loathe (though I am working toward getting out of there... one day.) It could be due to terrible office politics that commence on a day to day basis. It could be due to the fact that this morning on my drive to work, I discovered the antenna on my car has snapped off, and the fix is not so easy.

This leaves me with no desire to write, though I should. I should be writing every day. However, I feel like whatever I might put down might suck, and I just can't have something mediocre down on the page just so I can say I filled up a few more pages.


  1. I try to write everyday, but like you, when I'm filled and/or surrounded by negative energy, I feel it would be better to just rest and chill. Good luck with the writing though!

    Fickle Cattle

  2. Thank you! I feel like my best writing is done when I'm inspired or when I'm feeling serene enough to do so. I don't want to just write to put something down on paper, I always feel like it's forced dribble when I do that.

    Best of luck to you as well.
