As we're nearing the end of the year, I can say quite frankly, that this year sucked it big time but I am thankful for a few things nonetheless, and they are as follows:
- My family, and the family I married in to.
- The few very good friends who are there no matter what.
For the job that I loathe because it puts food on the table, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. - The little personal victories such as my grandfather recovering from some pretty serious ailments, my father in law who had us all nervous for about a month pulling through his ailments, my nephew who was very sick a few weeks ago coming out to be fine, and my cat who was super sick at the beginning of the year pulling through and continuing to make this house happy.
- My pets who enrich my life every day and who for the most part, get along with each other, and find some way to make me laugh each day.
- I'm glad I've had the perseverance to finally see a manuscript through to the end. Three years in the making, and it's finally getting wrapped up.
I can now look forward to Christmas, more family time, parties, the Christmas tree, presents underneath it, my dog and cat sleeping peacefully together under said tree, snowflakes, sledding, snowboarding, you name it. New Year's Eve, which still feels magical, like we're starting on a fresh slate, hopes that the next year will be better than the prior, but who knows? Of course, once New Year's is over, I'll be waiting impatiently for spring. That's how it is.