Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Thanksgiving / Birthdays

Not technically Thanksgiving yet of course, but what I'm mainly looking forward to is having four days off from work. I have absolutely no intention of participating in that Black Friday shopping business, just not my style. I'll more than likely... if things go well finish my manuscript this weekend! I worked on it for three hours last night after work and got just over 1,400 words in. The story is slowly wrapping up, going in the complete opposite direction that I had thought of merely weeks ago. It's rather exciting.

So for Turkey Day, I'm heading over to my in-law's house, which has been the case every year, eighth year in a row I believe. The best part of it is, my parents and brother get to come too since everyone gets along, huge bonus, so I don't have to split my time and eat two Thanksgiving dinners. They always have one huge table and it's utterly filled to the brim with food, every year. It's really a sight to see.

Tomorrow is also my husband's 30th birthday. It's a bigger birthday, and he's getting spoiled a little bit, plus he gets the bonus of Turkey on his big day, not to mention, that he doesn't have to work, so that's also a winning factor.

Tonight I'll be stopping at the pet store for some viddles for my fur babies, baking after that, and it's the request of said birthday boy that I go out with him and his friends for his birthday this evening. I've never been one to go out on this night, but feeling obligated since it's for his birthday. Sheesh, it's going to be a long night.

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