I'm always excited when I hear about "winter weather" possibly headed in my general direction. It's not that I'm thrilled to shovel my way out of oodles of snow, but I'm always thinking... maybe I'll get a snow day at work. Yes, it sounds nuts to be wishing for a snow day from a grown up job that doesn't include being a teacher, but instead a disgruntled cubicle dweller, but I feel like, maybe with enough snow, it might happen.
To paint a picture, the majority of the people I work with are paranoid when it comes to matters of weather. Rumor has it that a snow storm is coming our way (and sweeping most of the Midwest and northeast as well) and it's likely to bring 10-12" our way. This is what the weather experts are predicting. Of course, the term expert should used to loosely when it comes to describing the weather personalities. Usually, they hype everyone up, at least here in the Mitten and a foot of supposed snow usually equates to 3-5" and leaving me disappointed and bemused with the hysteria that I witness when "storms" head our way.
The talking began this morning around cubicle square about the what ifs? "What if we can't make it into work at 9AM to open the office on Wednesday? Should we come in at 10:00? Should we have a snow day?" Since weather is something of an obsession of mine, I immediately started dredging through weather.com to check the status. From what I gather, the heaviest snow will accumulate in my part of the world from 3-5AM on Wednesday morning. Of course, it's supposed to snow for hours on end, but to a lesser intensity. It got me thinking, how much damage could 2 hours of snow possibly do? My prediction boys and girls, this isn't going to be a big deal at all.