It's that time of the season, cold and flu season. Of course, I suppose that technically started in October. Regardless, cold and flu are running rampant in my circle. Down in Cubicle Square, we're passing the cold around like a cheap floozy passes the Clap. I actually left work two hours early today, and I even felt guilty doing so since, this really isn't the worst I've felt. However, I'm taking into consideration my lovely snowboarding get away which is just over a week away, I'd hate to be sniffling and coughing all over the slopes. Yes, rest is prudent at this juncture. Depending on how I wake up feeling tomorrow, I may even **gasp** take the whole day off.
I've spent the additional two hours that my sickness has granted me at home wiping my nose with less than desirable Kleenex, the kind that makes your nose raw, and watching Season 2 of Dexter on DVD. I took a break to pass out on the love seat for a few hours only to wake up with a "crick" in my neck. That's what I get for sleeping on a love seat.
I then decided I should fire up the ol' computer and do some more work on my book, well, look at how hard I'm working. I'm feeling the creativity flow through me, but I don't want to direct it to where it's needed the most. Here it's almost February and I'm hoping to get this thing out in the world by April or May. Not at this rate my friend. I could make excuses and say, "Oh, I'm not working on it because I don't feel good, I'm not 100%." However, I'm not working on it all the time when I am 100% so that excuse is just a bit... weak.
I watched Stranger than Fiction last night, a fantastic movie in my mind. It made me long to be as eccentric as Emma Thompson as Karen Eiffel in 20 years. Of course, my husband drops me the line, "You don't write enough." Ouch. It's because I'm a snob when it comes to my writing. I'll jot down ideas that come to me, but I won't work on more than one piece at a time. Example, I'm working on my manuscript right now, nothing else matters. There will be no starting the next project or jotting down a short story. I'm a one piece at a time kind of girl.
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