As I was perusing E! Online last night, I came across all the reality stars and the teeny bopper stars. I became so disgusted, I had to disconnect and go for a walk just to disengage. All this press they're getting and having their ugly faces thrown around everywhere is too much. It makes me miss the old days of Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, etc. When Hollywood wasn't a place anyone could get into. My remark was this: Reality Stars and most everyone under 30 really ought to be banned from the public. Not my exact words, but you get the point.
Admittedly, I don't watch much television. When I do, I watch the Weather Channel. There are three shows that are currently airing that I actually enjoy. Two are on the FX Network, and one is on Showtime. (Rescue Me, Justified, Dexter.) Reality T.V. has no interest to me. If I want reality, I'll go live my own. Why would I want to watch some snobby, bitchy, lazy brat get into fights with her roommates? Why would I care who can dance or sing? I don't, so I don't watch. What annoys me the most is one of these child stars complaining about their status and all the attention they get, they just want privacy. Well, you idiot, if you want privacy, maybe you should go live in remote Idaho and stop whoring yourself out to the public. Do the rest of us a favor, and disappear already.
Another thing I'm mildly disgusted with is the lack of originality in modern Hollywood. What's with all the damn remakes? Isn't there an original idea left out there on the Coast? You've got writers and directors taking an epic or least great movie and revamping it to something new which turns out to be crap. The list of remakes is endless, and remaking a movie isn't a new thing, but the latest remake talk is that of Dirty Dancing. Anyone who grew up in the 80's remembers this flick and thinks it's fine the way it is. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey did a phenomenal job. Now there's talks of redoing it and adding people from the cast of Glee as Johnny and Francis (Baby.) If only Patrick Swayze knew what Hollywood is going to do to this classic movie, he'd be spinning in his grave.
In any case, I feel that I've adequately vented my feelings. What are your thoughts on reality stars and Hollywood remakes?
Photo Credit To: Salvatore Vuono. http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=659
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