I've tried to advertise the crap out of Stress Test online anyway. I've been pimping it on my Facebook, Twitter, and this blog of course, and from this advertisement I've had a number of people, some of which I haven't seen since high school tell me that they in fact picked up a copy of the book, either via paperback or e-Book. Since we're in the digital revolution, and I've done all the publishing work on my own, I'm able to check the sales out online. According the my sales statistics, these people who claim to have bought the book in fact appear to be liars, with pants constantly on fire, the statistics don't lie my friends. However, I did see that an overwhelming amount of people downloaded the free sample. It's my guess that the ones who've claimed to have bought it just downloaded the free sample.
With this in mind, since I'm working on my second novel, I'm thinking that I'll do what traditional publishers do, just offer the book in physical form maybe for the first year, and then also offer it in e-Book style. Or maybe I'll try to keep up with the integrity of physical books and just offer actual books. On the other hand, that's not exactly environmentally friendly. It's quite a pickle.
I've got another interested book store willing to carry my book, and they may even host a book signing event, they said I could plan it for whenever I want. I'm thinking, maybe the second Saturday in December. It would be perfect for Christmas right? Plus, it would bring people into their store to find Christmas gifts, a win-win perhaps?
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