Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On Blog Challenges

Over the weekend, an old friend of mine suggested that I do a "blog challenge." Write something new everyday for a month. Well, it seemed like a good idea, and inspiring as well. She has taken part in month long photo challenges of her own you see. She's quite a talented artist/photographer, check her out at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/singlecupofcoffee to view some of her work.

Well, being a supposed writer, I really ought to branch out and work on more than one project at a time. Currently, as you may know, I'm working on a second manuscript which let's be honest, I'm very much procrastinating on. I should be way farther ahead than I am now, since I do have some readers who are demanding another piece of work immediately. Which is incredibly nice and humbling, but also a bit stressful.

I'm thinking if I challenge myself to one post a day for a month, not only will be give me something new to do, but it might also give me some fresh ideas, either for a new project, or to integrate into the one I'm currently working on.

So, here's me announcing that my one month blog challenge will take place during the month of March. A post a day for 31 days.

Did you ever consider taking part in a personal challenge?


  1. You could join us for the A to Z Challenge and do it every day for April! We had 1300 participants last year and it was a blast. Everyone made so many new friends.

    1. Sounds great! Thanks for the invite. I'm always looking for new writing opportunities.

  2. Woo! I think its such a great idea for you! Can't wait <3

    1. Thanks to you! I'm pretty excited about it. Maybe it will give me some fresh ideas.
