There are several decisions to make once you find out you're in fact "with child" as the saying goes. One of the more important decisions is,
what the hell do I name this kid? I've decided it's much easier to choose a girl's name because the supply of unusual girl names seems endless. It's been especially difficult to think of an unusual, yet strong name for our boy. We don't want to name him something that will get his ass beat on the daily, but we don't want to name him something boring and ordinary either. J an I tend to want to agree on what we're going to name this person and so far, we've got nothing.
We went through the same distress with naming our cat and dog. Of course he came home from work one night with a brilliant name for the cat (Dr. Leopold Francis Brandywine III) and it just suited him. The dog's given name is Jameson Jones Laroux. Well, we really can't go naming our kid after whiskey can we?
I've been stuck on Henry for the kid. However, I can't get J on board with that name. We've got a good four months before we really need to decide what to name him, but right now it feels like we're going to stick with "baby."
Another seemingly big decision is how to decorate the kid's room. It seems nowadays parents always have a certain theme or color scheme, but who really wants to sit in their kid's room trying to lull them to sleep while looking at a giant decal of Sponge Bob or whatever. We've decided we're going to keep the boy's room simple. Neutral, earth tone colors, no silly cartoon decals or themes. We've been toying with the idea of hanging a over sized brightly colored painting that J won while on our honeymoon since it's been sitting in its shipping tube for 4 1/2 years. I've also considered hanging photos that I've taken of nature. Something soothing and personal for the kid to look at. Even though as a baby, I'm sure he won't give a shit what is hanging on his walls as long as he gets to eat, sleep, and crap his pants all the live long day.
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