Wednesday, September 16, 2015

On Fall Happenings

This post was meant for a couple weeks ago, more specifically, the end of August and very beginning of September when all the retail asshats started rolling out all the "Autumn" items. I'm talking about your pumpkin spice everything, Halloween decor, Thanksgiving decor, I'm sure in a week or two, I'll start seeing Santa's fat ass slinking around.

Okay, I'll admit, I love Fall or Autumn, or "oh shit, it's going to be Winter in like two months" as much as the next person. You'd have to be dead inside to not appreciate the fire in the trees, the smell of sweet decay as those fiery leaves fall on the ground and you have to get outside and risk a heart attack in an attempt the rake them up and wrestle them into a lawn bag. I love haunted houses, hay rides, scary books and movies. Fall is my go-to season after Summer, I also enjoy the pumpkin flavored items. I will indulge in pumpkin spice something, a piece of pumpkin, a pumpkin roll, whatever. My point is, I'll enjoy these things in due time,

Technically, according to the natural cycle, it's already Autumn. Meteorological Fall started September 1st and lasts through November 30th. That's here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway. Interesting right? Yes, the calendar says Fall starts on the 23rd, but you've already noticed the days getting shorter, the nights and mornings cooling. So sure, according to this logic, I could have happily enjoyed a Pumpkin Spice Frap on September 1st while it was 90 degrees outside. But really, is your heart going to be in taste of Fall while you're sweating your ass off, thinking about how you were at the beach just the other day? Well, maybe. Maybe you can trick yourself into feeling Fall while Summer still has you in its clutches, but I for one cannot.

I understand, the retail zombies have to do their thing, they've got to get their product out there, set up their displays according to what their corporate puppet masters tell them to do, hey, I used to be there. I'm going to defy "the man" though, I will not indulge in anything "Fall" until the calendar officially declares Summer 2015 null and void. This also includes dressing for the season. I am still dressing summery as the weather allows. I mean, if it's going to be like 60 degrees one day, I'm not going to walk around half naked, I'm stubborn, not a dummy. Give me 70 degrees and up though, I'm still wearing skirts to work, short sleeves, light sweaters. The key is, don't give up on Summer prematurely, because it never lasts long enough, especially here, where it could be 95 one day, and 55 the next.

So now it's Q & A time. What are your thoughts? Are you on the Fall bandwagon as soon as the calendar hits September? Or are you anxiously clutching to the last bits of summer and long, warm nights for as long as you possibly can?

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