The premise of the story kept me interested, but as I was getting near the end, I was like alright, we really need to wrap this shit up now, I want to move on. We centered on four seemingly main characters, Gabi Versado, her daughter, Layla, Jonno, who is an out-of town douchebag "journalist" who moved to Detroit to get a good story, and the bad dude, Clayton Broom. We're based in Detroit which is a bonus simply because it's a local story. For an author who lives in South Africa, she had some pretty solid contacts to make the scene believable. Gabi is a Detroit homicide cop who comes across some gruesome murders, we're talking some freaky shit, like people cut in half and sewn to deer carcasses.
Layla and her best friend are stalking child predators and luring them in to meeting them so they can bust them and expose them for what they really are.
Clayton seems to be the hapless loser whose nightmares control him and force him to commit said murders, because his nightmares want attention... right.
Layla in her obstinate teenage angst ends up getting in trouble at school for defending her best friend's honor regarding some social media video that was shot of her at a party. Another reason it's wonderful that there was no such thing as social media when we were younger and why I weep for my boy. Layla beats the shit out of the kid that posted the video, we're talking knocking some teeth out and breaking his jaw. Of course, mom and dad of said victim want to sue the shit out of Gabi, but Gabi being a calm and collected officer of the law, diffuses the situation by informing them of the charges their son would face should the situation escalate.
Clayton and his "dream" end up hacking up three people. A young boy hanging out at a bus stop, he's the one that gets sewn to some deer legs, a nice pottery lady who runs a pottery shop similar to Pewabic Pottery. She gets shoved in her kiln and baked after she gets her feet chopped off. Finally, he pride and joy is a fellow officer of Gabi's, Marcus.
Meanwhile, Jonno meets some DJ, Jen Q. who exposes him to the different areas of the city that aren't so played out, like the old train station. She convinces Jonno that he should do a documentary of the grisly murders and he'll be catapulted to A-list status. I'm not going to lie, I loathed the very existence of Jonno, his character was the ultimate smarmy scumbag, and I wished he was one of the folks that got offed by the dream.
Basically, in the end, Gabi, Layla, Jonno, Jen Q, and some homeless dude, and Clayton end up at an abandoned car parts factory trying to track down a kidnapped fellow cop. Layla and the homeless dude are somehow entranced by the factory or the dream and they just don't know what the hell is going on. Jen Q dies a gruesome death by her own bird tattoos bursting out of her chest. Supposedly another victim of the dream. Jonno gets over her death quite quickly, records the whole thing and moves on throughout the factory. Marcus, the kidnapped cop is found to be dismembered with his face missing and is somehow reanimated by the "dream." Gabi shoots him to death, again, Clayton gets his brains blown out. It all ends well, right?
With my curt review, it certainly sounds like I didn't like this book. It was decent, it did keep my attention for quite a while, but as I said, I drifted a bit.
I just started the last book in the "Stephen King recommendation list", Day Four by Sarah Lotz. which will be your next review. I may consider another book on the recommendation list, Frankenstorm by Ray Garten, but maybe I'll save that for a birthday request.
I'm glad I made myself drift outside of my typical authors so that I could experience other writing styles and story-telling, but I find when I'm reading another author, I'm often longing for my favorites. All I've been thinking about is the new Stephen King book that is out TODAY, End of Watch which completes the Bill Hodges trilogy.
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