Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Long Road Ahead

Trying to break into this business all by myself is frustrating. I guess I just don't really know how to market myself properly.

I've got a website: www.kldocommunications.vpweb.com. Simple and to the point, I still need to work on it some more. I've joined Linked In and got one of their nifty "paid" accounts and tried connecting to professionals that way without any luck whatsoever. I've sent a mass email to most everyone I know letting them know that I'm trying to get in to this business and to please keep me in mind... I've gotten one, somewhat tepid lead. My next tactic is to send out a small mailer with a flyer and short brochure about what it is that I do to the local area businesses. While I like to think that this might give me a lead or two, I'm not feeling good about it. It just seems like whatever I'm trying isn't working. I've read the "self help" books on copy writing and starting up the business, and while they've been mildly helpful, maybe I'm just not using the tools correctly.

In any case, while I'm passionate about all forms of writing, this business of mine is really meant to be my "fall back," something that I can make money doing while I work on manuscripts. I've always had a love for writing stories. From silly little one pagers, to lengthier, in depth pieces, such as I'm working on now.

My problem has been that with my current full time job, by time I get home, I just don't feel like staring at a computer screen any more to do my own work, which shouldn't really stop me at all. I should want to do it because it is my own work and not someone else's.

An old friend of mine suggested that I take my writing to someone who is in publishing, just to see if what I've got so far is any good and has the probability of being published in the long run. While I've gotten decent reviews from the three people I've let read the work so far, I feel they are sort of biased, and aren't really going to tell me if it's garbage or not. So I'm taking this advice to heart and am going to try to seek out someone in the publishing arena.

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