Yesterday evening I emailed Kinko's to get a price on 50-100 copies of the brochure I had created for the business, just quickly explaining what it is I do. I simply wanted some glossy paper, color copies. They were asking just over $100 for 50 copies! And just over $200 for 100 copies! I thought this was mildly outrageous. Luckily a good pal who is in the graphic design business:, referred me to a website he uses:, which had much better prices. I could get the same product at 250 copies for $100. Not too shabby.
As the spring moves forward and we move into May, I know I'm going to find it harder to make myself sit in my "home office" and write. Perhaps I'll just have to take my work on the road, to a park, leaning against a tall old tree with steno pad in hand. That sounds like a pretty good idea. That way I'm still letting the creative juices flow, and I'm enjoying the outdoors.
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