Mostly it's fools diddling with their cell phones either at a red light or while driving with their children in the car, and flying down the freeway, not paying attention. This makes me long for the days when I first started driving and cell phones were new, and people drove instead of chattering away on their damn phones.
Now, I understand, some people need to be talking on their phone while driving, for work reasons maybe, and I suppose that's excusable. But driving is a pretty big deal, if you're not paying attention because you're too busy playing Angry Birds on your phone, you're going to kill someone.
Another thing that consistently pisses me off is inconsiderate drivers. I love the ones that just have to cut you off even though there is no one behind you for miles! And then, they don't even turn right away, they simply cut you off for the sake of doing so.
Here in the Mitten, we have the "Michigan Left" which typically needs to be executed with northbound and southbound or eastbound and westbound traffic. Everyone knows that when you're in the turn around, in the far (outer) lane, you're either going straight, say into a parking lot or something or you're headed into the far right lane of traffic. Well, some dipshits either don't know, or don't care to follow proper protocol and I recently came across someone who was in the inner lane (meant to go to the far left lane of traffic) and decided it was prudent to drive straight across the highway, cutting me off to pull into a shopping center. I nearly lost my mind.
Dealing with these people who probably got their license from a cereal box makes me not want to drive. But then, what are my options? I could try public transportation, which around here no one really wants to do unless they have to. Or I can start riding my bicycle everywhere. Sure, it'd take me longer to get to my destination, but I'd be in great shape. Of course, I'd have to worry about aforementioned asshats running me over while not paying attention. It's a no-win situation.
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