However, since I'm knocked up this winter, I can't do anything fun in the snow. This includes, no snowboarding, which I'm terrible at anyway, but it's still fun to slide down a hill on my face with a board strapped to my feet. No extreme sledding. I know, you picture sledding as just going down a boring hill over and over again, well, extreme sledding includes sledding through the woods, dodging trees, maybe finding a nice snow covered staircase to fly down, building jumps and seeing how far we can fling ourselves. This sort of practice definitely not recommended with a BOB.
Typically, J has been great about shoveling the snow that we've gotten thus far this season since I am in fact carrying his son around in my gut, but this week he happens to be on vacation, headed to the Caribbean of all places. This in turn leaves little ol' me to take care of the falling snow. I have no problem with this mind you. Last night I got out there and pushed around the fluffy remnants so the city wouldn't ticket me. It was truly no big deal, I didn't exert myself or anything, but I could definitely feel the kid moving around in there, probably thinking, ma, what are you doing? Get your ass in the house and feed me some hot cocoa. Even the dog was judging me. Sitting up on the cat tower, watching me through the window, with his judgmental stare.
It's snowing again today, which again, is cool, honestly. But now, I have to get back out there after work and push some more snow around. I'll be honest, the only thing I really don't like about it is that we have a stupid driveway. It's extra long and there's a space between our house and the neighbor's fence where there's literally nowhere for me to put the snow. So I have to get a big scoop of it and either walk it to my backyard or out to the front, and it's just a big pain in the ass. That's my main beef.
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