I was lucky enough to feel sick pretty much all day every day for the first 3 months or so. I cursed J and I cursed my unborn son, and I cursed my surging hormones. I spent a lot of time on the couch when I could. I went to bed at 8:00pm and slept for 14 hours. I rested my head on my desk a lot. It sucked.
However, that finally seemed to pass. I felt human again and less like a zombie. It really was true, you do start to feel better and get a little more energy in your second trimester. I only felt sick occasionally, which I could deal with. I stopped plotting to suffocate J in his sleep with a pillow.
Yesterday though, was a real humdinger. I seriously thought I was going to die. I was thinking, great, I'm going to die curled up on my bathroom floor with my cat and dog staring at me. All I wanted was some fresh air and I couldn't even drag myself to a window or a door to stick my head out, but oh shit, I had to go to work.
Normally, if I feel this bad, I might shoot my boss a text asking to come in after my crappiness has passed, and he'd oblige because he's a pretty nice guy. But, he's on a much needed vacation, so I absolutely HAD to work no matter what. I dragged my sorry ass in and plopped down at my desk and hoped for the best. It was a busy day, people stopped in which I had to pretend to be happy to see and not look like death warmed over. My favorite part of the day came when a previous client came in looking for a house for her son just as I was preparing the leave to get a little bit of food to stick in my gob. For some reason, I decided to take her our to few local places, thinking, this will only take half an hour, tops! Boy was I wrong.
Needless to say, I had to suck it up and make like I felt great even though all I truly wanted to do was go home and fall down on my couch with my fur babies and wait for the sickness to pass. And that my friends, is why certain knocked up chicks are bad ass.
Happy Friday.