Granted, the weather being as it is doesn't exactly allow for us to finish priming and painting, and why would we want to go buy and assemble furniture if we have no where to put it? That just adds additional stress feel trapped in our own house like rats in a maze.
The doctors appointments are starting to get closer together, I start going every four weeks instead of five, and soon it will be every three weeks, and then, every week! I've got to go in for the glucose screening at the end of the month, not looking forward to downing their sugar drink and getting prodded with needles on a Saturday. We booked our ALL DAY birthing class for May 11th. I'm not sure if that's going to be informational or if it's going to horrify me. However, I'm definitely not looking forward to spending 7.5 hours at the hospital looking at videos of other chick's crotches.
This morning, as I was laying in bed, I realized it will be no time at all before I tell J that it's time to go to the hospital because we're having a kid. I thought about actually having to deliver the kid and going through the motions, and I put myself into a full blown panic. Needless to say, I couldn't fall back asleep.
Let's not forget that we also need to get the kid on some insurance through J, and we need to find a pediatrician, which I actually intend on asking my regular doctor for a referral.
I'm getting frustrated because I can't button any of my damn pants, and I refuse to buy the overpriced, ugly ass maternity clothes. I'm lucky in that for the most part, my regular clothes still fit... I haven't gained much weight, what I have gained is all belly/baby. I'm definitely looking forward to the weather warming up enough for me to pull out my elastic waist skirts so I don't have to deal with pants anymore.
It's getting tougher to bend over and put my shoes on because well, there's a kid in the way, and when I do bend over a bit too much, it's incredibly uncomfortable, probably for him too. This is where slide on shoes will come in handy down the line.
I know this little gut is only going to get bigger, and I'll get more uncomfortable as time passes, buttoning my pants will be even more of a chore. I might even have to enlist J to help me put my shoes and socks on, provided he's not at work or something.
In the meantime, I suppose I'll just try to pace myself and take into consideration that I still have a little cushion of time to get everything done.
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