For instance, I've got a little Chihuahua (Jameson) and a big ol' tomcat (Leopold.) These guys get along great together, and sometimes they duke it out like valiant titans. Leopold will grab Jameson and bathe him, sometimes against his will, but he's never turned away from a free bath.
Yesterday, I had to take Leopold to the vet for a suspected urinary tract infection. Let me preface this by saying, Leopold hates traveling. He doesn't like going in the car, and he certainly isn't interested in getting crammed into a pet carrier to go in the car. However, once J and I corralled him into the carrier, Jameson got visibly upset, like where the hell do you think you're taking my cat?!? He starting whining and pacing and as we walked out the door with the cat in tow, Jameson was standing up in the window watching carefully. I was half expecting to see his little mouth open up in a howl. He was literally concerned for his cat. Or... maybe he was just jealous that the cat was getting to go somewhere and he wasn't.
When Leopold came home a few hours later and slinked out of his carrier, Jameson was on him like flies on shit, sniffing him, and licking him, just giving him a general once over to make sure we brought home his cat. It warmed my sappy little heart to see the dog express such concern over the cat. It made him seem like an actual little person, covered with hair.
One more interesting little anecdote... Jameson came in contact with his first infant on Monday. My new little nephew was over visiting grandma when J and I went over for dinner. J tried to get Jameson to look at the baby, and he seriously wouldn't make eye contact with him, he just kept turning his head. Seems pretty standard, I can't blame him. Later on however, curiosity got the best of him. The kid was sitting in his bouncy seat and Jameson just couldn't help himself, he crept over, tail wagging to try to get a good look at this kid and sniff him out. He didn't try to hurt him or piss on him, he just wanted to know what was going on.
I have to give the little dog props. I thought for sure he'd be a baby hater, but he seemed to do well with his first instance. Hopefully, he'll like the one has to live with in a few months just as much.
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