Friday, November 18, 2016

On Books and Holidays 2016

Alright. It's been two and a half months since my last post. Noteworthy? Not really. I don't want to bore you with fluffy drivel just because I should post something.

Here's what's up:

Remember how I said I was starting the Dark Tower series because the movie is coming out this winter? Yeah. I started it. I read the first book and had no idea what the hell was going on. I started the second book and really forced my way through. Night after night, I forced myself to read it until it go to the point where I was like, screw this dude, I've got a ton of other books I'd rather be reading right now.  If you know anything about me, you'll understand that this makes the void inside of me even bigger because, this is my #1 favorite author we're talking about here, and I'm quitting one of his books? What in the ever-loving hell is going on? Typically, I burn through books in a matter of weeks. I read every night and get through large sections of a book each night. The Drawing of the Three came with me on a early Fall camping trip, a mid-fall weekend getaway, and collected a lot of dust on my nightstand in between. I just, couldn't make myself care. This doesn't mean I'm done with these books for good. I feel obligated to read them all. They are sitting on my shelf. They're written by my fav. There is not a book sitting on my shelf that I haven't poured over (except those in my to-read queue of course.) For now, I had to save my spot and put that book back on the shelf, unfinished, abandoned, for now. It's so sad, the used, water damaged copy of the book sitting there amongst its peers, waiting to be finished. Some day.

In the meantime, I picked up a copy of Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes. I've gotten through a little over a quarter of the book in about a week, and so far, it's a total scumbag read. Which of course, makes it quite entertaining to read. The main draw is that the main character, Joe (scumbag master) works in bookshops and loves all things books, much like myself, so, he's relatable on that note, aside from being a scumbag though, I can't say I really agree with his other actions in the book. Regardless, I'm enjoying the read, and looking forward to moving on to the rest of my stack o' books. Maybe I'm just not ready to commit to the Dark Tower just yet.

It other news, holy shit... the holidays are here again! Who else is totally unprepared? I spent the entire month of October mulling over Halloween and enjoying all things gore and spooktacular. The big show came and I thoroughly enjoyed escorting my son around the neighborhood dressed as a T-Rex. I brought joy to so many other parents hauling their kids around and the people passing out candy had some good laughs at my expense, what's better than making people giggle, right?

November 1st arrived, and all of sudden, it's Christmas. Seriously dude? I feel like when I was younger, at least the radio stations waiting until December 1st before they starting jamming out the Christmas tunes. Poor Thanksgiving gets looked over every year. Speaking of Thanksgiving, I've been tasked with supplying the rolls for the big dinner. Rolls. I can do rolls. These bitches are going to be the best damn rolls anyone has ever eaten. I'm making these mothers from scratch. Disclaimer... they will probably taste like shit and be hard as stones, and I'll ruin Thanksgiving dinner, maybe I should have a contingency plan.

The weekend after Thanksgiving will officially be, get those Christmas decorations up right now, weekend. G loves Christmas. He can  do without Santa because he's an assbag. He wants to see that Christmas Tree shine, he wants those lights, and he wants to see presents under his tree, but Santa is not allowed to enter his house and skulk around in the dark, nor is he allowed to just toss the presents down the chimney. I've been directed to greet Santa at the front door in the middle of the night and take the presents from him while he keeps his fat ass on the front porch and I shall deposit them under the tree.

This time of year also brings about holiday parties. So many holiday parties and holiday shit to do. I look forward to said parties because it gives me an opportunity to not only have a little drinkypoo, but also lurk around said parties and people watch. Oh how those parties get my cogs cogging. There's places to go to see Christmas lights, there's Christmas tree lighting ceremonies to go to, all this shit I would never do pre-G, but am glad to experience because secretly, I do love to stare at Christmas lights... I'm not that dead inside.

Yes. It's stressful. Shopping and shit, but for the last few years, I've done the majority of shopping through trusty ol' Amazon, thank you. The little things I wander through stores for. For the last few years, I've been poisoning my family with my vegetarian Christmas dinners that have turned out spectacularly shitty. This year will be no exception. Christmas cookies will be made, and might possibly be ugly as shit again, but maybe not. The stress is worth it to watch the glow in G-Money's eyes on Christmas morning when he sees a bunch of presents under the tree for him. Yes. I'm a sap for the boy, okay.

Now that I've gotten through this... it does seem like some fluffy drivel, doesn't it? Shit.

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