Sunday, March 4, 2012

On Day Four

I hope your weekend found you well. Mine found me partaking in some adult beverages. Friday night I went to a pal's wedding (Kurt the Squirt - way to go!) and spent some time with some homies tearing up the dance floor, which if you've ever seen me dance, you know it's not pretty.

Last night another group of friends and I got together and danced around the idea of getting a writing club started. What we really did was drink wine and eat cheese around my coffee table, and then walked down the street to the bar. Needless to say, we didn't get much done.

Today I'll be discussing something I'm looking forward to. I'll warn you in advance, I'm going to geek out on you guys a little bit right now, so you if you stop reading, I'll understand. This is something I'm excited about in the immediate future, that is, within the next two weeks. I'll admit, I'm fond of some video games, particularly, the Resident Evil series, I mean, it's where my zombie affections hail from. Resident Evil 5 came out in 2009 and while I was sort of disappointed at first, I really began to like it after playing it for a while. Ever since completing it, I was already looking forward to the next game. The wait is almost over, March 20 Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City will be hitting the shelves.

This one appears to be one of the spin offs as it seems you'll be playing as members of Umbrella Corp., seeking out zombies, civilians and STARS members alike, but judging by the trailers I've checked out, it seems like it will be a pretty legit game nevertheless.

In other exciting news (for me) I learned that Resident Evil 6 will also be released toward the end of the year, which looks (pardon my teenager slang) supremely awesome.

So there you have it, this is what I'm looking forward to, thus far. A bit geeky, but hey, I love zombies.


  1. Zombies! Since you're an aficionado of things Zombie related, I was wondering, have you had the occasion to watch the television series, "The Walking Dead"? It's pretty cool and the episodes have some fantastic special effects, as well as some great make-up.

    I haven't had the pleasure of watching any of the Resident Evil flicks nor have I played the games. Like as not with me, I will get around to it when Resident Evil 17 rolls around.

    Will you drink to that?

  2. I've heard nothing but good things about "The Walking Dead." Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet, but I've got it saved on my Netflix queue.

    To be honest, the Resident Evil flicks are by no means masterpieces, but they are entertaining. They don't stick too close to the games at all, though when they made the second movie, they started integrating some of the game characters into the movies.

    As far as the games go, the first one is and always will be the best. The other ones are interesting and bring you into the storyline, but you can't beat the original.

    I'll certainly drink to that.
