So I suppose since this blog challenge is almost over, I ought to tell you what I've learned from writing a post a day for a whole month. I've learned that there is actually some discipline somewhere in me to actually write something every day. I've had a tough time actually disciplining myself to work on my book each day, I always come up with some excuse, like oh, but the weather is so beautiful, or I can't think of anything good to write today, I don't want to write shit. Or the big one, I just don't feel like it. Which is exactly why it took 3 years for me to get my first book out into the world, and I'm already a year deep into my current book. While I'm about half way to it being a full-length novel, I should be way farther along than that. I'll be the first to admit, I'm lazy, there, I admit it. However, the desire to write is in me. I think about it every day, I'm always thinking about my story, where it's been, where it should go next, it's always on my mind. I think about the next project, what I want it to be like, and so on. The main problem is getting my ass in the seat and actually doing it.
I've come up with an excuse for not wanting to write, it's probably totally invalid, but I'll tell you anyway. Every day, I sit in a little beige cubicle in front of a computer, I have a set work station that I spend 40 hours a week at. At home, I have an entire room set aside for my writing and holding my little library. This is what I wanted mind you, I wanted an area that was just mine, for writing. The more I sit in there and write though, the more I feel like I'm trapped in one solitary place and it makes me feel all... itchy. Like, I've got to revolt and get the hell outta there. Granted, working on a desk top, you are kind of limited in where you can work. So lately I've been thinking about my old laptop which is at least a decade old and doesn't want to boot up anymore. I'm wondering if it would be worth it to get the thing cleaned out or whatever so it actually runs, or should I drop some cash on a new laptop? (<--- This is my impulsive side coming out.) And I can make it sound reasonable by saying... it's for my work! See how warped this can really become?
Have you done anything this month that you've taken a life lesson from?
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