Welcome back for Day Two of the Challenge! I hope yesterday's introductory post found you amused, and if not, well... I can't please everyone.
Today I'll be discussing the meaning behind my blogger name. This one is really not too hard. There is no huge, deep-seated meaning behind my moniker. Kate's Kafe... Kate is, well, me. That's my name. The second half, Kafe, I chose because I was trying to be cheeky. When I was younger I had a huge caffeine addiction which generally made me walk around tweaking most of the day. I'd drink Tim Horton's coffee, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, sometimes all at once. I'd made a disgusting concoction of the three, blend it up over ice, and voila! I could tweak for three days straight. That never really happened.
As I got older, excessive amounts of caffeine would give me the shakes and make me feel like I wanted to pull my skin off. Not necessarily great when you feel this way while working with the public. I'm sure most people would be appalled by the sight of someone literally trying to pull their flesh off. So, I eased up on the caffeine, started drinking, dare I say, the dreaded de-caff coffee and learned to go without tweaking out.
I also chose "Kafe" because it's a stupid play on Cafe, because my name starts with the letter "K" and well, I love coffee shops, okay? I'll admit it. I'm a coffee slurping yuppie who loves hanging out at Starbucks or some Indie coffeehouse, even if it is de-caff or half-caff. I find it cathartic.
Have you ever thought about starting your own blog? What would you write about?
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