I really love music. I love to listen to it, I love to play it (even though these days I suck at it), I just really enjoy it in general. I think everyone has certain kinds of music they listen to when they're in certain moods. Like if you're all hopped up and ready to work out or something, maybe you listen to metal, or gangsta rap, or maybe a really bubbly pop song. Maybe when you're sort of down, you'll listen to some sappy love song or some emo crap. Maybe when you're mellow you listen to some classic Zeppelin or Stones.
One of my favorite things to listen to when I'm in a decent, toward happy mood is Weezer, either Surf Wax America or El Scorcho. There's just something about it, listening to the lyrics and the beat gets me all pumped up. I'm not much of a snob about the kind of music I'll listen to, but I get tell you, there is some music I absolutely loathe. The first bit is country music (I apologize in advance to those of you that enjoy it. It's a personal choice, and I won't judge you.) I just can't stand it. Also, I won't listen to any much by someone who is still a teenager. That bubble gum pop music doesn't appeal to me. Everything else, I will tolerate. If you take a look at my iPod, you'll see I have a wide array of different types of music. I can go from Billie Holiday to Notorious B.I.G. I can go from Jewel to The Doors. It's really a toss up to what you'll find there.
What is one of your favorite songs and why?
Definitely not offended - don't like country music either!
ReplyDeleteProgressive rock is what usually gets me going.
Progressive rock. Good stuff. :-)