Monday, May 17, 2010


Got just a little bit of work done on the manuscript since I've posted last. I always find myself wanting to work on in while I'm at work (of course) and then by time I get home and have the chance to get some pages done, I just don't feel like looking at the computer screen any longer.

Of course, I could write longhand, which would be double work, because after I hand wrote it, I'd just have to type it anyway. I could also use the good ol' typewriter, except a few letters are not working on the typewriter which would leave the print a mess, also, the erase function is currently not working either, which is a huge deal to me, because I'm always making mistakes ans mistyping, it would take me forever to get one page out.

As far as the copy writing business goes... I'm sort of at a halt because I don't have sufficient funds to get my brochures printed, plus I haven't really found a good medium to print them through. However, my lead that I mentioned a few weeks back seems to be live again, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe my first "real" gig will emerge from that. Sometimes, it pays to mass email everyone in your inner circle, sometimes, it might lead to a job.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Last night I hit one one hundredth page in the manuscript. A huge milestone for me I feel. I enjoyed the amazing feeling of satisfaction knowing that I hit page one hundred and the last piece I had written about what really good, I felt.

Of course, that feeling of satisfaction is put on hold for a moment, since today, since at least 5AM this morning, I've been feeling under the weather. And while there's really nothing more that I'd rather to do than to keep writing, my energy is waning yet again, and I feel like a nap is in order.

Tomorrow includes getting up super early for my real job and going to a stupid class for a program in which I already know how to work pretty well, but my boss seems to be tech illiterate in this case, and now I'm stuck circling the drain with him.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Writer Writes... Always!

Worked on the manuscript a bit over the weekend, not nearly enough in my opinion, but I got another ten pages down which felt like at least a little bit of an accomplishment. I'm about 6.5 pages away from hitting my one hundredth page.

I feel like there is a lot of detail missing, like there is so much more I need to add and edit. Confirmation from my husband fueled this thought process. I feel like when this thing is finally complete, it will turn out to be quite the entertaining piece.

I cannot wait for the day when this is my full time job. When I wake up in the morning, turn on the coffeepot, and sit down at my desk, in my own house to write, to write the morning away. While this first project has literally taken years, and is far from finished I feel like if I get it published and it's (hopefully) mildly popular, this will get the wheels spinning for future projects.

I'm longing for the warm days to return and stay (It's the second week of May and it's feeling like March out there.) I want to bring my notebook to the park and lean against a tree and spectate, dream of ideas for future projects, take some beautiful pictures. Hopefully soon, I'll be basking in some summer like sunlight.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Needless to say, my mailers have not gone out yet. They are sitting sadly in the corner of my office, just waiting to be send out to their recipients. I've been researching printing prices. Most are outrageous. I can't subject myself to such prices. Mostly, I just can't afford it. I've been looking into cheaper avenues and the only thing I've come up with is buying a new printer (roughly $100 or so) and some glossy paper of my own and just printing out the brochure. Or, editing the brochure into a 1 page flyer and printing it that way. Not to mention, I still need to buy postage, and look into more possible clientele in the surrounding areas.

My lead that I had from a few weeks back seems to be dead, as expected. Though, I must admit, I did get my hopes up a little bit. I don't want to be a pest, but maybe I ought to be?

The manuscript isn't getting much work either. It seems like whenever I sit down to work on it, I always get pulled away from it. I feel like it's never going to be completed or published at this rate, I've already been working on it for close to two years now.

I guess my "real" job is draining my drive and creativity out of me. But I have no choice but to stay here because this is where I get my pitiful amount of money, and this is how I pay the bills right now. Maybe one day I'll finish this manuscript, maybe I'll publish it, maybe it will entertain more than one person, maybe I'll make some money. Wishful thinking?