Saturday, December 18, 2010

On Laughter

Another successful dinner with the dinner club last night. It was my turn to host. I made fettuccine Alfredo (homemade sauce), green beans with sunflower seeds with a garlic and red pepper seasoning, and baby corn with an onion seasoning. It turned out quite well. Everyone had at least two plates. It warmed my heart to see my friends enjoying something I had made. Especially since I'm not that great in the kitchen.
There was a plentiful supply of wine. We polished off a gallon... and then a bottle and half, it was nearly obscene. We sat around the living room belting out Christmas tunes and playing a silly board game, laughing hysterically. It's truly what friendship and the season is about.
Tonight my husband and I are hosting a Winter Solstice Party. At least thirty people, if not more will be here. There will be a bonfire out back for the brave ones who are willing to hang out in weather which is only in the "teens." Of course, we've got the basement set up quite nicely as well. Tables, chairs, games, dim lights. I think it will be a semi-epic party.
Alas, I'm already exhausted from shopping earlier today, and maybe from the inordinate amount of wine I consumed last night. Though, I am looking forward to having some fun nonetheless.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

On Friendship

A few weeks back, some friends of mine and I decided having a meal date would be a good idea. We had talked about it before of course, but it never happened. Welcome to our second dinner date. Our plan is to rotate hosts with a different type of meal each time, ie: breakfast, lunch, dinner. The first week was breakfast, consisting of quiche, toast, hash browns, fruit, and of course... screwdrivers. It was a great success. Lunch last night consisted of cheese & broccoli soup, sandwich roll ups, cheesy bread, an assortment of desserts, and of course plentiful wine.

It will be my turn to host in a couple of weeks, and I must say I'm thrilled that we're keeping up with this so far. Of course, it's still new and fun, we might bore of it quickly, but it feels so... grown up. Plus it's a wonderful excuse to get together with close friends and share a meal and laughter. Laughter lightens the heaviest of hearts. At this juncture in my life, I'm feeling particularly grateful.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On Completion

4/18/2008 - 11/30/2010

I can now happily say that I finished the first draft of my manuscript. After nearly ten years of scribbling random stories, starting manuscripts only to let them sit unfinished, I actually saw this one through to the end. Of course, there's still so much work left to do, starting with editing and re-writes. It feels amazing to be finished and now I can jump fully into the Christmas season without wondering when I'll set some time aside to finish the book. I'm hoping the editing and re-writes will only take through most of the winter, and maybe I can move on to the next step by spring.

A huge milestone, and I couldn't be more ecstatic.

Friday, November 26, 2010

On Family Dinner

It might not look that impressive within a photo, but Thanksgiving dinner at my in-law's house is really a sight to behold. One big table, twenty people, the whole table filled with food, wine flowing like water. Don't forget the traditional after dinner walk which most of the group partakes in. A horde of overstuffed folks shuffling down the street to settle their dinner. Last night it was drizzling just a bit, but that didn't stop us, even a couple dogs came along for the walk. There's always homemade pies for dessert, which usually sit untouched until the next day since everyone is so full. The laughter and the banter at the dinner table is my ultimate favorite. The best part is, I also get to share this huge dinner with my parents and brother. I'm truly lucky that our families get along so well.

As we're nearing the end of the year, I can say quite frankly, that this year sucked it big time but I am thankful for a few things nonetheless, and they are as follows:

  • My family, and the family I married in to.
  • The few very good friends who are there no matter what.
    For the job that I loathe because it puts food on the table, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head.
  • The little personal victories such as my grandfather recovering from some pretty serious ailments, my father in law who had us all nervous for about a month pulling through his ailments, my nephew who was very sick a few weeks ago coming out to be fine, and my cat who was super sick at the beginning of the year pulling through and continuing to make this house happy.
  • My pets who enrich my life every day and who for the most part, get along with each other, and find some way to make me laugh each day.
  • I'm glad I've had the perseverance to finally see a manuscript through to the end. Three years in the making, and it's finally getting wrapped up.

I can now look forward to Christmas, more family time, parties, the Christmas tree, presents underneath it, my dog and cat sleeping peacefully together under said tree, snowflakes, sledding, snowboarding, you name it. New Year's Eve, which still feels magical, like we're starting on a fresh slate, hopes that the next year will be better than the prior, but who knows? Of course, once New Year's is over, I'll be waiting impatiently for spring. That's how it is.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Thanksgiving / Birthdays

Not technically Thanksgiving yet of course, but what I'm mainly looking forward to is having four days off from work. I have absolutely no intention of participating in that Black Friday shopping business, just not my style. I'll more than likely... if things go well finish my manuscript this weekend! I worked on it for three hours last night after work and got just over 1,400 words in. The story is slowly wrapping up, going in the complete opposite direction that I had thought of merely weeks ago. It's rather exciting.

So for Turkey Day, I'm heading over to my in-law's house, which has been the case every year, eighth year in a row I believe. The best part of it is, my parents and brother get to come too since everyone gets along, huge bonus, so I don't have to split my time and eat two Thanksgiving dinners. They always have one huge table and it's utterly filled to the brim with food, every year. It's really a sight to see.

Tomorrow is also my husband's 30th birthday. It's a bigger birthday, and he's getting spoiled a little bit, plus he gets the bonus of Turkey on his big day, not to mention, that he doesn't have to work, so that's also a winning factor.

Tonight I'll be stopping at the pet store for some viddles for my fur babies, baking after that, and it's the request of said birthday boy that I go out with him and his friends for his birthday this evening. I've never been one to go out on this night, but feeling obligated since it's for his birthday. Sheesh, it's going to be a long night.

Friday, November 19, 2010

On Control

The office is dead today. Both owners out of town. I'm left in charge. It's unnerving, it's disquieting, it's overwhelming. Does that mean I'm capable? It's hard being the "go-to" person when one doesn't want to be. I never asked to be. I didn't sign up for it. I didn't volunteer. I do the best job I can, and usually what I'm rewarded with is more work. Luckily as I've said, the day has been pretty quiet. However, two clients are wanting to submit an offer on a house over the weekend, and I'm feeling obligated to make myself available, even though technically it's not my bag. I'm hoping to slink quietly out of the office, free from that worry for 48 hours.

I'm glad that the day is slow because for the past two days I had the overwhelming charge of doing my job, training the new front desk manager, and doing the accounting work. I can usually hold my own, but it just seemed to be overly busy and I was feeling like I was going to jump out of my skin.

On a side note, I should be able to get some writing in this weekend. I might even finish the manuscript. Now wouldn't that be novel?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On Training

Today marks the first day of yet another new employee at the office. So far, she seems like she won't need much training as she's already been involved with real estate and office environments and multi-tasking. I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.

I've got the sinking feeling that no matter how much I try to train her my own way, I'm going to be hawk eyed over, and interrupted without fail. It's going to drive me up the wall, it's going to drive me to drink, it's going to make my blood boil, it's going to make me clutch my hands into claws and hold them back from reaching out for someone's neck. I've only got this sinking feeling because this is exactly what happened four months ago when I was training the last new person to walk in here. I only hope this one lasts because she seems perfect... on paper.

In writing news, as I've probably stated at least twice in here, I'm nearly finished with the novel. So incredibly close that I might finish it this month if I keep working steadily. However, I didn't work on it at all the last two days. I've just been in a funk, and writing was the furthest thing from my mind unfortunately. I'm almost scared to finish it and send my baby out into the world, it's nerve racking! What if it sucks? What if no one wants to read it? What if it's not entertaining enough for someone to want to even finish it if they start reading in the first place? The final scene is about to play out, and I'm one pins and needles.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On Contemplation

Since I'm circling the drain towards the end of the manuscript, I've been thinking about the work that needs to be completed once I finish the first draft, such as re-reading, editing, re-writing here and there. I was driving home from work last night and I was behind a particularly random car, extremely neutral, and I thought that would be the perfect car for one of my antagonists to be driving. I had mentioned a make and model earlier in the book and described it as a P.O.S., but I didn't really feel like it was that junky of a car, but this one I was behind yesterday seemed to be the perfect fit. It feels great to have "ah-ha" moments like that, when everything seems to be fitting right into place.

When I started this project (three years ago... whew) I felt like this work was going to be amazing, funny, great, but now that I'm getting toward the end, I'm fearing as the story continues, it turns a bit to the mediocre. I've let a few people read the first part of the book and they laughed, were entertained, and it warmed my heart, making someone laugh is an amazing feeling.

However, on the bright side, I'm already looking forward to my next project, hoping I'll feel even better about it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

On Relief

For weeks I've been stumped on how to finish the manuscript. When I started this thing out, I knew exactly what was going to happen, how it was going to end. However, once I got into the meat and potatoes of it, the story completely changed, went in another direction, then I got to a point where the original ending just wouldn't work anymore.

Last night I had something of an epiphany. I was sitting at the computer, zoning out, and the ending came to me! It needs some polishing of course, but I've finally got the general premise of how it's going to end, it feels somewhat perfect. This dark, ominous cloud was looming over my head for the past couple of months, a sense of hopelessness that I wouldn't be able to finish this thing after all this time. The end is in sight now, three years of work will finally be completed. I'm still holding tight to my goal of completing this thing by 12/31, and I know I will do it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

On Devil's Night

Last night I went to the most amazingly decorated Halloween Party thrown by my best friend. He went the extra mile with his Parlor this year and outfitted it in funeral attire. Given that his house was built circa 1885, actual funerals did take place there, which just added to the ghoulishness. He had a good turn out as far as the crowd went, though I was expecting a few old friends to drop by, however they were no where to be seen. I did see one old friend though who in turn invited me to a party she's having tonight. I'm interested in going, but feel that it may be awkward because we're not nearly as close as we used to be. But still, she lives close by, and dropping in certainly couldn't hurt right?

The rest of this day shall entail carving pumpkins, watching horror flicks, spending time with friends, enjoying the season, and holiday. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I'll be passing out candy for the ingrate children of the neighborhood. Last year was a great success though. I dressed in a former zombie costume (pretty convincing in the dark) and laid in the grass on my front lawn under some leaves. My husband sat on the porch with the bowl of candy. I would slink to life when the passersby would least expect it, and incite terror and even some tears. Isn't that what Halloween is about? Despite making some children cry, I didn't come across any angry parents, they all amazingly took it in stride, some of them even loved the idea. And I really can't lie, startling the youngsters gave me quite a thrill. Halloween has become too sugar coated.

Friday, October 29, 2010

On Halloween

Ah, the annual ghoulie gathering shall commence tonight. I always look forward to Halloween, as it's my favorite holiday. I love dressing up and acting as someone else, hiding my face, inciting terror. It's also the only time of year I get to see some of my old friends together in one place. It used to be a guarantee that I'd see them at least a few times a year, but it seems like now everyone only comes together for Halloween. Maybe that's why it's my favorite holiday.

Tonight I'll be portraying Lizzie Borden. I've added only one feature to her attire, a blood spattered apron (which through research I found she did not wear when she murdered her parents, but I thought it would be a nice touch.) I did the spattering last night, it came out quite well, it dried a little light in color, but you can clearly see it's supposed to be blood.

Tomorrow holds horror flicks, pumpkin carving, maybe a get-together at my place? Who knows? Happy Haunting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On Departure

What a way to begin a week. Half an hour after I arrived in the office, our front desk secretary walked out, leaving me to take the reins and pick up the slack again. I can't say I was surprised, I knew it was coming any day, and admittedly, it was something of a relief. However, it's back to square one now, I just hope the next person sticks.

Later on, I discovered that a different job that I applied for, and was very hopeful for didn't pan out. It left me very broken spirited for the rest of the day. So much so, that I went home after work and had a cocktail. Of course, I've never really needed a reason for a cocktail, heh.

This time around however, the going seems less rough because I have a hold on what I'm doing, I have a schedule (somewhat), I'm not as intimidated. I've been repeatedly coming through for this place, and I think they realize it, even though they never say it.

I'm still longing for the day when I work on my own. It will be a reality one day. I'm circling the drain on finishing the manuscript, I just don't know how to finish it now. I'm already feeling the anxiety of sending it out into the world though. I'm feeling as though my next piece will be a thousand times better than this one. Time will tell.

Friday, October 22, 2010

On Dollars

It's funny how coincidences work. I've been trying to get into a place where one of my friends works (government job) for three years with no luck. I started applying in other cities just to see where it leads to. On Monday I got a notice that one of the jobs I applied for was cancelled and given a new name and that I could reapply. I looked around on the website and noticed another opening at my friend's place and the job was closing on Monday, so I applied with the mild hope that I might be a good candidate with my extra three years of experience.

On Wednesday, my current boss gave me a dollar raise because "he doesn't want me to leave." While I'm incredibly grateful for such a raise, I still feel like I have to look out for myself and if by some chance I get offered this other job (which will pay me double to start) I have to take it. I'd be a fool not to.

Otherwise, I feel like my goal of finishing the manuscript by the end of the year is a doable, noble one, I feel it's closure within my grasp and I already have an idea for publishing. Maybe, just maybe, my one little dream will come true.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

On Pets

Every day I'm feeling incredibly lucky to have such amazing animals in my life. These two are my rescues and they are just the most lovable guys. They also amaze me by how well they get along together, like two peas in a pod. They nap together, play together, sit together, and look out for each other when one of them doesn't feel good. I've had Leopold (the cat) for just over three years, and Jameson for almost two years. It didn't even take them very long to adapt to each other when Jameson came home. It was as if they were meant to be.

I don't want to leave out Paco, my parrot. Paco is special because he's been around my entire life, and then some. My mother brought him home when my brother was just a kid, and he's currently 36. Paco is odd in that he's forged bonds with cats. Not just any cats mind you. The first cat I ever got was when I was 11 years old. This cat was my best pal, he was always right where I was. It was also about the same time I befriended Paco since he didn't really seem to like either of my parents. My cat was laid back, didn't have a care in the world, so I thought I'd introduce him and Paco to each other face to face. When Paco saw that the cat never meant him any harm, he fell in love. He followed that cat where ever he went, he preened him, and got jealous when anyone touched him. Well, I had to put that cat to sleep about four years ago and Paco was just heartbroken, no more tweets or twitters escaped his beak. My parents brought a new cat into the house, but he just didn't bond with her, or the next one that came in. When I moved out on my own, I Paco came with me, and I decided that it might be time for a cat in my house. Well, I met Leopold and I knew immediately he was the cat for me. Sure enough, he shares a lot of the same characteristics my very first cat did, and Paco has fallen in love with this cat as well.

Animals have always enriched and been a part of my life. I've always had Paco, and I've always had a dog and as I've said, got my first cat at 11. For me, I can't just have one or the other, I'd like to think I'll always have a cat and a dog. I feel like, since I'm working a lot, I don't want to leave just a cat home alone or a dog home alone to be bored and lonely. I know that if they have a companion while I'm not there, they won't be completely lonely. Or maybe I'm just nuts and they don't care either way.

I just enjoy watching their interactions and their mannerisms, the way they play, the way Jameson has doggie dreams, or the way Leopold will wake me up by sitting right next to me on the bed staring me in the face. I love them for the laughs and the companionship and the way they know if something is wrong or if my husband or I don't feel well, they'll stick by us. They are amazing creatures and I'm glad to have met them.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

On Obsession

Hi, my name is Kate and I have an addiction... to books! I mean, I really can't stop using. It's been nearly a lifelong addiction. I must have gone through thousands of them. Last night I purchased five more on, a wonderful Ebay-esque site that feeds my addiction. I love prose, I love the stories, I love getting lost in another world, I love getting inspiration for my own work.

My husband got me a Nook for my birthday over the summer, and I'm in love with it. It's portable, I can take thousands of books with me anywhere I go and not worry about my covers getting bent, or lugging around two or three books at a time. The one drawback is, I'm a bargain shopper. If I can get a physical book cheaper on above referenced website, I can't see myself purchasing it through B&N. Sometimes however, there are some great steals, and of course I purchase whatever book on the Nook.

Here's to looking forward to feeding my addiction. Can't wait for the new books to arrive.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On Relapse

I got roughly ten pages down on the manuscript last week. It was the first time I worked on it in over two months. I suppose since the seasons are changing again and it's cooling down, I might find myself writing more often than not, and I might even meet my goal of finishing the manuscript by the end of the year. Man, I'm only giving myself three months now, we'll see how that pans out.

I feel the anxiety creeping back in. I feel it working it's way back into my bones, into my core. I keep trying to work out it naturally, without medication, by exercising, thinking soothing thoughts, deep breathing, and so on. I'm keeping it somewhat at bay at the moment, it's not affecting me daily... yet, it's not eating at me and causing me to lose twenty pounds again, it's not making me a recluse, afraid to leave the comfort of my home for fear that something might set me off. I've been to two different shrinks, the first one didn't really help, the second one was a bit more helpful admittedly, but there's only so far I could go. I don't think head therapy is too helpful for me. Medication definitely helps, why wouldn't it? However, I don't want to have to rely on a little pill to keep me even keeled, to keep me at bay. While the medication is amazing, it also makes me feel numb because I'm prescribed such a high dosage. I don't feel anger, I don't feel sad, I don't feel overly happy, I just am, and I hate that feeling, which of course is why I decided to go off it again probably six months ago or so. I'd been doing fine up until a few months ago.

I believe my current work situation is setting me off. I know I shouldn't let it. It's just a job, I shouldn't let it get to me, but I mean, I'm here, in this office the majority of my day, forty hours a week, that's a lot of time. It's an admittedly toxic environment, and I've been trying to rid myself of this place, but the current job market being as it is, I can't exactly risk not having a paycheck with my current responsibilities.

So, in the meantime, I'll try to keep the beast at bay so it doesn't get quite as bad as it's been in the past, but there's never any guarantees, it's just a wait and see game.

Monday, September 27, 2010

On Summer's End

I'm always sad when summer comes to an end. The hot summer days spent hanging out at the lake, swimming, summer vacation, hammocking with my favorite little Chihuahua, and so on. I miss the stunning red hot summer sunsets, or the way the pink sky reflects off the water. I miss the carefree feeling of the entire season.
However, I do always look forward to fall. I love cider mills, pumpkins, Halloween, fingerless gloves, and hoodies. I always look forward to the pumpkin patch and baking fall like goodies. I look forward to a cooler house and cooler nights with the windows open, feeling the crisp fall air on my face while I sleep.
So, on saying farewell to summer, I'll say that it was a nice one. Many trips to the park were enjoyed, a trip to Tawas, Higgin's Lake were enjoyed, and then a small tour of Michigan, up to the U.P., St. Ignace and Munising, and down to Traverse City, I've seen a lot of beautiful things my state has to offer. There were bonfires, evening walks, stargazing nights, and a lot of hot, sticky nights thanks to the weather.
Now I can look forward to the impending season, watching the colors change on a little mini-holiday next month, Halloween parties, and Halloween itself (my favorite holiday.) Goodbye sweet summer, see you next year. Welcome harvest season!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On Irritability

I found myself increasingly irritable at the office today. It seemed to surface out of no where. One moment I was mostly content, the next moment I felt like I wanted to break a window. When the phone rang, I wanted to toss it out into the street.

This could be due to low office morale at the moment, it could be due to the fact that this is my fifth year in a job that I loathe (though I am working toward getting out of there... one day.) It could be due to terrible office politics that commence on a day to day basis. It could be due to the fact that this morning on my drive to work, I discovered the antenna on my car has snapped off, and the fix is not so easy.

This leaves me with no desire to write, though I should. I should be writing every day. However, I feel like whatever I might put down might suck, and I just can't have something mediocre down on the page just so I can say I filled up a few more pages.

Monday, August 23, 2010

On A Dwindling Summer

I've been putting a lot of work into the manuscript as of late (save the last week, I've haven't worked on it at all.) I've finished part two, and am about twenty to thirty pages deep into part three. Writer's block has stuck again, and I feel like whatever I put on the page just isn't good enough and doesn't give the story justice.

I went through the whole thing and formatted it into proper manuscript style. All in all, it took roughly eight hours. In turn, I had to read through what I had wrote. Personally, I feel like a lot of missing, and there's much more meat that needs to be added. I was trying to be optimistic in stating to myself that I might have this thing done by the end of the year, but that goal might be out of reach if I play perfectionist and pull this thing apart piece by piece. My biggest fear is that it just won't be any good.

On the business side, I've decided to put more effort forth on that front. I let things lay low for a while because I felt I didn't have the skills to present something worthy to a client, however, after just creating a piece of marketing for a local event and getting it approved on the first draft with no revisions, revitalized my belief in my work. I ordered some brochures (finally) that I created from scratch of course which arrived today. I did some research a few months back and got the addresses of some of the local businesses around me. I figured it couldn't hurt to mail them a little informational package, which may or may not bring a little business my way.

My ultimate goal of course, is to leave the real estate office and work for myself full time, writing, creating, that sort of thing. If I keep my determination, I feel like that might just happen.
On a parting note, a few weeks ago I went on a river cruise on the Detroit River and captured this shot, I've been getting a lot of compliments on it, and since I feel like it depicts a more positive light on the city, I thought I would share it.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Got just a little bit of work done on the manuscript since I've posted last. I always find myself wanting to work on in while I'm at work (of course) and then by time I get home and have the chance to get some pages done, I just don't feel like looking at the computer screen any longer.

Of course, I could write longhand, which would be double work, because after I hand wrote it, I'd just have to type it anyway. I could also use the good ol' typewriter, except a few letters are not working on the typewriter which would leave the print a mess, also, the erase function is currently not working either, which is a huge deal to me, because I'm always making mistakes ans mistyping, it would take me forever to get one page out.

As far as the copy writing business goes... I'm sort of at a halt because I don't have sufficient funds to get my brochures printed, plus I haven't really found a good medium to print them through. However, my lead that I mentioned a few weeks back seems to be live again, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe my first "real" gig will emerge from that. Sometimes, it pays to mass email everyone in your inner circle, sometimes, it might lead to a job.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Last night I hit one one hundredth page in the manuscript. A huge milestone for me I feel. I enjoyed the amazing feeling of satisfaction knowing that I hit page one hundred and the last piece I had written about what really good, I felt.

Of course, that feeling of satisfaction is put on hold for a moment, since today, since at least 5AM this morning, I've been feeling under the weather. And while there's really nothing more that I'd rather to do than to keep writing, my energy is waning yet again, and I feel like a nap is in order.

Tomorrow includes getting up super early for my real job and going to a stupid class for a program in which I already know how to work pretty well, but my boss seems to be tech illiterate in this case, and now I'm stuck circling the drain with him.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Writer Writes... Always!

Worked on the manuscript a bit over the weekend, not nearly enough in my opinion, but I got another ten pages down which felt like at least a little bit of an accomplishment. I'm about 6.5 pages away from hitting my one hundredth page.

I feel like there is a lot of detail missing, like there is so much more I need to add and edit. Confirmation from my husband fueled this thought process. I feel like when this thing is finally complete, it will turn out to be quite the entertaining piece.

I cannot wait for the day when this is my full time job. When I wake up in the morning, turn on the coffeepot, and sit down at my desk, in my own house to write, to write the morning away. While this first project has literally taken years, and is far from finished I feel like if I get it published and it's (hopefully) mildly popular, this will get the wheels spinning for future projects.

I'm longing for the warm days to return and stay (It's the second week of May and it's feeling like March out there.) I want to bring my notebook to the park and lean against a tree and spectate, dream of ideas for future projects, take some beautiful pictures. Hopefully soon, I'll be basking in some summer like sunlight.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Needless to say, my mailers have not gone out yet. They are sitting sadly in the corner of my office, just waiting to be send out to their recipients. I've been researching printing prices. Most are outrageous. I can't subject myself to such prices. Mostly, I just can't afford it. I've been looking into cheaper avenues and the only thing I've come up with is buying a new printer (roughly $100 or so) and some glossy paper of my own and just printing out the brochure. Or, editing the brochure into a 1 page flyer and printing it that way. Not to mention, I still need to buy postage, and look into more possible clientele in the surrounding areas.

My lead that I had from a few weeks back seems to be dead, as expected. Though, I must admit, I did get my hopes up a little bit. I don't want to be a pest, but maybe I ought to be?

The manuscript isn't getting much work either. It seems like whenever I sit down to work on it, I always get pulled away from it. I feel like it's never going to be completed or published at this rate, I've already been working on it for close to two years now.

I guess my "real" job is draining my drive and creativity out of me. But I have no choice but to stay here because this is where I get my pitiful amount of money, and this is how I pay the bills right now. Maybe one day I'll finish this manuscript, maybe I'll publish it, maybe it will entertain more than one person, maybe I'll make some money. Wishful thinking?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Price of Business

Yesterday evening I emailed Kinko's to get a price on 50-100 copies of the brochure I had created for the business, just quickly explaining what it is I do. I simply wanted some glossy paper, color copies. They were asking just over $100 for 50 copies! And just over $200 for 100 copies! I thought this was mildly outrageous. Luckily a good pal who is in the graphic design business:, referred me to a website he uses:, which had much better prices. I could get the same product at 250 copies for $100. Not too shabby.

As the spring moves forward and we move into May, I know I'm going to find it harder to make myself sit in my "home office" and write. Perhaps I'll just have to take my work on the road, to a park, leaning against a tall old tree with steno pad in hand. That sounds like a pretty good idea. That way I'm still letting the creative juices flow, and I'm enjoying the outdoors.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Long Road Ahead

Trying to break into this business all by myself is frustrating. I guess I just don't really know how to market myself properly.

I've got a website: Simple and to the point, I still need to work on it some more. I've joined Linked In and got one of their nifty "paid" accounts and tried connecting to professionals that way without any luck whatsoever. I've sent a mass email to most everyone I know letting them know that I'm trying to get in to this business and to please keep me in mind... I've gotten one, somewhat tepid lead. My next tactic is to send out a small mailer with a flyer and short brochure about what it is that I do to the local area businesses. While I like to think that this might give me a lead or two, I'm not feeling good about it. It just seems like whatever I'm trying isn't working. I've read the "self help" books on copy writing and starting up the business, and while they've been mildly helpful, maybe I'm just not using the tools correctly.

In any case, while I'm passionate about all forms of writing, this business of mine is really meant to be my "fall back," something that I can make money doing while I work on manuscripts. I've always had a love for writing stories. From silly little one pagers, to lengthier, in depth pieces, such as I'm working on now.

My problem has been that with my current full time job, by time I get home, I just don't feel like staring at a computer screen any more to do my own work, which shouldn't really stop me at all. I should want to do it because it is my own work and not someone else's.

An old friend of mine suggested that I take my writing to someone who is in publishing, just to see if what I've got so far is any good and has the probability of being published in the long run. While I've gotten decent reviews from the three people I've let read the work so far, I feel they are sort of biased, and aren't really going to tell me if it's garbage or not. So I'm taking this advice to heart and am going to try to seek out someone in the publishing arena.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday I decided to start working on a flyer just to advertise the business and let potential clients what it is I do, maybe tempt someone to give me a call or shoot an email. I thought, I could mail said flyer out to businesses in my area to start. Of course, the great thing about this business is that I can really work with any one, any where, because of the wonderful World Wide Web.

I still need to polish the flyer a bit, I'm sort of a stickler for details, I don't want to look like a fool to potential business connections, I mean who does? They need to be printed of course, postage needs to be acquired, etc. I'm trying to not put all my eggs in one basket on this one, after all, my mass email technique didn't work so well, or I guess I was just sending to the wrong people.

I still have that one lead from an old friend. She followed up with me yesterday, and will be getting back to me shortly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in that aspect as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Beginnings

Well, I suppose I am going to dedicate this particular blog specifically to my writing. Perhaps it will aid me staying in a writing mindset.

Back in August 2009, I decided I was going to really get on the ball and start my own copy writing business. I've loved writing ever since I was six years old. I'd write silly little short stories and illustrate them with horrible little scribblings, I read constantly, I must have had hundreds of books that I just plowed through throughout my childhood. I continued writing through adolescence, through my teen years, and now into my twenties. It's always something that I've come back to, no matter what situation I've been in, or what job I've held, writing was always lurking in the background, asking to be called upon. So I started thinking... how could I make money doing something I enjoy so much without taking the enjoyment out of it? Then it came to me, perhaps I should try my hand at copy writing. I've already been writing copy in my current job, and dabbling a little in graphic design, and it's something I actually like doing. The best part is, I could work for myself.

However, it's been slow going trying to get my tiny little business off the ground. I currently work full time in an office, and find my energy to promote my own business waning by time I get home at night. I decided to put myself out there to a long list of friends, some of which I've known since grade school and I actually pulled in a lead just the other day.

It's been disheartening at times doing this all by myself. A lot of people don't fully understand what I'm offering. An easy way to look at it is... think of an ad in the newspaper, this ad is selling say an automobile, I'd be the person who wrote the text for said ad essentially. I basically just need to get my name out to the right market. Of course, working during regular business hours doesn't give me much opportunity to search for potential clients, so I've resorted to searching for prospects via websites like: Sadly, I've found no luck there so far.

In the meantime, I'm also trying to let my novel writing passion shine through, just to keep me going. I got the idea for a manuscript about two years ago, and finally started putting it into play a little over a year ago. This has also been slow going because I sometimes let a lot of deterrents come between me and my writing. However, I feel like I've got some real good meat in what I've written so far, and the one outside party that I let read what I've got so far has given me a pretty solid review. I'm trying keep that in mind when I get to thinking that what I'm writing is garbage. I suppose every writer thinks that about their work at least once, if not dozens of times when they're working on a piece.

In any case, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this one little lead from my childhood might come through, and that I'll finish my manuscript one day in the near future and a publisher will pick it up and send it out into the world. Even if it's just a pipe dream, it's still nice to think about.