Thursday, July 21, 2011

On Heat Indexes Near 110 Degrees

Another hot day here, still not going to complain about it. I mean, what good would it do right? It's going to be got nevertheless. The silver lining is, today is going to be the hottest day of our heat wave with the temperature reaching 101 today, but then it's going to drop going into the weekend, back into the low 80's. You know it's hot when the low to mid 80's sounds like a relief.

Something that's been consistently bothering me as of late is other drivers. I've been known to go at least 5-10 over the posted speed limit, not exactly a good practice, but it's what I do. I don't exactly get pissed off if I can't speed, but I do happen to become quite flustered when I'm forced to go 10-15 UNDER the posted speed limit. These slow pokes seem to be running rampant, it's not just one person here and one person there, but gobs of people. I usually end up getting boxed in by these yahoos, so I'm stuck shaking my fist and trying to keep the vein in my forehead under wraps. Since it's been so hot, and I happen to drive a Wrangler with barely working air, my only solace is to keep moving to get some sort of breeze. Well, when it's 100 out and I'm going 20-25 mph, there's not nearly enough breeze to cool me off. So here I am going out of my head, baking to death in my car because some people think they by going slower, they're conserving gas. I beg to differ.

However, I'll be going on vacation next week, where I'm hoping to just lay on a beach with a cocktail and a book and not worry about such trivial things such as traffic.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On Summer Heat Waves

Well, here we are almost a week into 90+ degree temps in the Mitten. There's been a lot of complaining about the heat, the humidity, and so forth. Most of the complaints I've heard come from people who have central air in their homes. To them I'd like to say: "Put a sock in it, you whiny bastard!" I'm fortunate enough to work in an office building with central air, so when the heat swelters during the hottest part of the afternoon, I'm super cool, almost frigid. However, when it's time to go home, I dread hanging out in my hot box of a home. I'm one of those people without central air you see. Now before you go feeling sorry for me, I will state that I have window unit in my bedroom, so at least during the night I'm cool. The rest of the house however has been getting up 90 degrees which makes relaxing at home somewhat uncomfortable. Watching the Weather Channel while sitting in a puddle of yourself is none to fun, let me tell you.

My one solace is my hillbilly blow up pool that I acquired for $20.00 last summer. Yes, I find it trashy, but I at least have the decency to put it in my BACK yard where not too many people will see me wading in 2 feet of water attempting to stay cool.

On the plus side, the weather will be breaking sometime this weekend. We'll be back into the lower to mid-eighties by next week and all will be well in the land of Summer. While it's hot now, I'm trying not to complain about it because I know come January when it's bitter cold, we'll all have something else to complain about.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On Google +

Yes, I've accepted an invitation to Google + thank you very much. Rumor spreads that Facebook will start charging this summer. If that so happens to be the case, you can bet your bottom dollar that I won't be sticking around. There isn't much I care to pay for, and social networking is one of those things. Of course Google + is still in its infancy, so there's not too many of my fellow friends on the Google front, so it's quite honestly a little lonely, but they've got the same basic concept as the Facebook. It's interesting, and I believe if Facebook does start charging, a lot people will make the leap over to Google + or possibly even hop back on board with MySpace. Personally, I miss the days of Livejournal (which I still have) where a handful of my closest friends posted every day and we stayed connected that way. Which was sort of silly since we saw each other every, but that's besides the point isn't it?

In other news, I'm feeling myself slide into a little bit of a slump, which is really great for my writing. I find I write more often and better when I'm in a lousy mood. It must be something about the angst, though sadly I'm far from suffering from teenage angst. Can adults suffer from angst I wonder? Or is it just general depression? Who knows? I worked a little on Rogue this evening, not much, just over 500 words, but at least it was something. Since I've been letting sit for weeks while I've been out gallivanting in this wonderful summer weather. A writer has to experience life to have something to write about right? That's the excuse I'm using anyway.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On Etc.

I've found that too much caffeine intake makes me "freak out." However, I've been extra tired lately (probably all the carbs I've been ingesting) so says my husband. Or it could be something else all together, which I'll get in to in a moment. Regardless, I've got an iced capp sitting on my desk from Tim Hortons. I just needed a little kick you know? I imagine around the time I get home I'll be all keyed up and feeling like I need to jump out of my skin just from a small coffee. Right now... I feel great.

On to other topics, which some may find ridiculous. I'm a bit of a believer in the paranormal. I've had some interesting experiences and witnessed others have some interesting experiences, so I can't discredit it all together. That being said, I've got some haints in my house. Specifically roaming around my upstairs where my bedroom is. Some time last week when I was getting ready to fall asleep, I noticed some "midget" haints running around my bed. To elaborate, I didn't actually see midgets, but short (about 3' in height) black figures. I'm guessing it's just some sort of energy. Well, it was enough to freak me out and make me sleep with the lights on that night, and every night since.

I told my husband about this, and he immediately says: "Oh yeah, they're around, but I always see the giant ones that are as tall as the ceiling. Oh and sometimes, they're out in the hall because I see the clock on your radio out there blacked out." Normally I would just think he's yanking my chain, but I too have seen the clock on my radio in the hall completely blacked out when it certainly shouldn't be. What doesn't help matters is my chihuahua who sleeps in my room darting up and staring at the doorway with the hair on his neck raised and growling. Needless to say, I haven't slept much for the past few nights.

On a completely different note, I've been toying with the notion of throwing a cocktail/book signing party sometime at the end of next month. I figure I'll just invite everyone I know on Facebook, maybe even co-workers and try to sell some books, or even get the word out so I can sell the second one when I'm finished. Originally I was thinking of doing it at my house, but that just wouldn't do. I was thinking of renting out a pavilion at a park or even a small hall. Of course, this costs money, and I don't know how much good it would do, so I'll be deep into research on that front.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to a week long vacation at the end of the month, and... not coming to work on my birthday.