Monday, August 23, 2010

On A Dwindling Summer

I've been putting a lot of work into the manuscript as of late (save the last week, I've haven't worked on it at all.) I've finished part two, and am about twenty to thirty pages deep into part three. Writer's block has stuck again, and I feel like whatever I put on the page just isn't good enough and doesn't give the story justice.

I went through the whole thing and formatted it into proper manuscript style. All in all, it took roughly eight hours. In turn, I had to read through what I had wrote. Personally, I feel like a lot of missing, and there's much more meat that needs to be added. I was trying to be optimistic in stating to myself that I might have this thing done by the end of the year, but that goal might be out of reach if I play perfectionist and pull this thing apart piece by piece. My biggest fear is that it just won't be any good.

On the business side, I've decided to put more effort forth on that front. I let things lay low for a while because I felt I didn't have the skills to present something worthy to a client, however, after just creating a piece of marketing for a local event and getting it approved on the first draft with no revisions, revitalized my belief in my work. I ordered some brochures (finally) that I created from scratch of course which arrived today. I did some research a few months back and got the addresses of some of the local businesses around me. I figured it couldn't hurt to mail them a little informational package, which may or may not bring a little business my way.

My ultimate goal of course, is to leave the real estate office and work for myself full time, writing, creating, that sort of thing. If I keep my determination, I feel like that might just happen.
On a parting note, a few weeks ago I went on a river cruise on the Detroit River and captured this shot, I've been getting a lot of compliments on it, and since I feel like it depicts a more positive light on the city, I thought I would share it.

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