Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Editing

I've finally stopped procrastinating and gotten into the real blood and guts of editing the manuscript, and I've completed it only minutes ago. It's sort of a refreshing feeling. I've got some minor changes and fixes to undertake, and then I will send it out to be copyrighted, and if I'm feeling good about it, I'll send it out into the world.

I think sending it out is going to be the hardest part. I mean, I've posted bits and pieces of part of it in an online writing community and have received wonderful feedback. I've let a few friends and family members read it, and it was well received, so that sort of gave me the gumption to keep going. But in the end, I like probably most if not all writers, feel like my finished product is garbage. I can't be objective of my own work, I can't think it's good. I can only hope that it's mildly entertaining.

I'm not expecting it to be a best seller or even popular. I just want to make at least a few people laugh and be able to escape their own reality for a short period of time while reading my stuff. That's all.

In other news, after work this afternoon, I went out and got a few prints of some photos I took in the fall, two really that I find particularly haunting. I was going to hang them in my home office, but I've already got those two pictures hanging, just in black and white. I think they'll go in the living room.

Also, I printed a photo I took of downtown Detroit from the river. It's going to be a belated birthday gift to my best pal for his game room. I thought it would be better to give him a more original, thoughtful gift this year instead of the same old gift card to Lowe's I give him every year. Time to be more personal right?

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