Friday, March 8, 2013

On Being Pissy

To the outsider, I suppose being knocked up gives you cause to be emotional for whatever reason. Hormones are raging, the body is changing, and so forth. I've been fortunate enough to thus far... not be a weepy little bitch.

However, I have noticed that it really doesn't take much to piss me off lately. It could be something small and insignificant, like a sunny day turning to rain directly after getting a car wash. Or, it could just be the sound of someones voice.

For instance... J and I went to the doctor on Monday for our regular check up. His job is awesome enough to allow him to have paternity leave when the baby comes, but he's got to fill out a few forms for FMLA. Well, we filled them out... mostly, and just needed a signature. My doctor said, "have the nurse sign it." Fair enough, I figured she'd scribble or stamp a signature. No, no, no, nothing is ever that easy, is it? We sat down in her office for at least 20 minutes, burning alive by the way because it felt like 90 degrees in there, listening to her stutter in our faces about how they need to fill out the forms and it's going to cost $10.00 per page, and there's going to be at least a two week wait to fill the forms out. (They were due today by the way.) She wouldn't listen to us about just needing a signature, or the fact that we're not entirely sure about what kind of leave J is going to take. She seemed to think she knew everything about his job, when in fact, she didn't know shit.

I'm sure my blood pressure rose the longer we sat there. Just listening to her stuttering face was driving me crazy. I know, I know, it's insensitive to be judgemental of someone with a stutter. I know it's not her fault, but it was pissing me off.

Today, all it took was for me to hear the sound of a certain person's voice (and no, I'm not speaking of my dear husband.) There's just certain people you don't want to be around under normal circumstances, and it seems like now that I'm getting even more pregnant, something very little can just set me off. It's pretty bad when I visualize myself choking people out.

In conclusion, now more than ever, I don't believe those chicks that say pregnancy is beautiful, and such a glorious experience. Those broads must have been in deep seclusion and didn't have to deal with ass hats on the daily. They must have never felt extreme "morning" sickness, or had cat shit smelling gas, or had terrible, terrible stomach and back pain from not being able to drop a deuce thanks to prenatal vitamins. Pregnancy is disgusting, and I'll let you know that. Birthing the child will probably be even more disgusting. However, on the lighter side, I'll say, the final outcome of having a mini J and I running around will be pretty cool, provided he's not a little ass hat.

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