Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On Spring

The cold, dreary days wear on. The skies remain grey, the cold rain falls, it's dismal, it's enough to make one feel forever lethargic. It's technically Spring, but it still feels like that all day sunshine won't ever come. On the writing front, I'm working feverishly to promote myself, get myself out there. I've gotten a few ideas which I plan on taking advantage of. I'm also working on getting Stress Test printed and put into some local bookstores. I've got one so far that will let me sell there. I've been reading all these articles about "self published" authors and the successes they experience, and I'm trying to be optimistic by thinking why not me? I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on my story from friends and strangers alike, so I feel positive that at least I have a strong, entertaining story on my hands. I guess I should really work on doing some more promoting on Stress Test before I delve deep into Rogue, which I'm actually really excited about. I guess I feel like putting the first book on the back burner is acceptable because maybe I'm not 100% behind it. I mean, I think it's entertaining, but I don't think it's the best I can give. Of course, if my first piece is my best, then I might as well give up there right? I feel like, I can only get better from here. But if I want to actually get read, then putting myself and my work out there is probably my best bet right now. I've got high hopes for smashwords.com. I seem to be getting decent activity from there. Only one purchase, but thirteen previews. Plus, I'll hopefully get accepted into their premium catalog which will put my book on pretty much every e-Book platform, so there's that. I'm just going to keep doing this because I enjoy it, and maybe one day if I'm lucky, it will be my full time job.

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