Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On Spare Parts

I've noticed with the last few summers that I tend to slack off with my writing. I just can't justify sitting in my "office" writing when the weather is so beautiful out. I figure I ought to take advantage since the weather usually sucks for a minimum of six months out of the year. Now, I have a laptop which by technology's standards is ancient, but it does its job. It's got the wireless internet connection thing going for it, the screen is perfect, it's small and easily portable, and its had a memory upgrade. I hadn't been using it because the battery was shot, it wasn't holding any sort of charge, so I had to plug the thing in wherever I went. Meaning, I couldn't say... take it to the park to write, or the coffee shop, or even my backyard. So it sat, quiet, alone, in the dark in my closet. Yesterday, I finally decided to buy a new battery for it, expecting to pay an arm and a leg for it. Well, the prices I found were nearly astronomical between $80 and $150. I went to Amazon and found one for $29, perfect! I also went ahead and bought a new keyboard since I'm missing a few keys and some of the other ones aren't as spot on as they used to be, couldn't beat it for $15.

These parts should be arriving by the end of the week, which means I could be out on the road with my laptop in hand writing like a fiend by the weekend.

In other news, I've decided that I'm keeping my big ol' scooter that I was planning to sell for the past few years. I took it to the shop over a month ago and finally got it back this last weekend. After dropping $400 on it, I've decided I'm sort of partial to it, and it's just a sweet ride. I've been putting off getting my CY endorsement since I bought the thing in 2006 just skating by on having the permit, I've decided it's time to stop dicking around and get this done so I can fully enjoy the bike. I'm even considering giving the old boy a paint job and am in the market for a new mirror and brake handle since they've taken a spill. It's looking to be a good summer.

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