Monday, June 20, 2011

On Summer Solstice

Another Solstice is upon us, my favorite of the two, the Summer Solstice, aka: the longest day of the year! Here in the Mitten, summer means a lot especially since the weather sucks the majority of the time. I'll be at work of course, since the Solstice is on a Tuesday, but afterward, I'm thinking I need to be outside as much as possible, maybe even indulge in a Solstice bonfire.

With all this being said, my mind is in full on summer mode. I haven't been working on my writing at all because all I want to do is be outside and relax and be lazy, like you're supposed to be in the summer. I'm thinking about going to Tawas, I'm thinking about margaritas, I'm thinking about the upcoming parties, I'm thinking about a possible vacation at the end of next month. I'm sure if I didn't have a day job, I'd get up early and write, and then go out and enjoy the weather, but that's just not the case. I've got to make money some how, and selling just a few books will not support me.

It's also Monday of course. I find it so hard to get into work mode. I'm still hungover on the relaxation and slow moving mode of the weekend. Of course, these days, I'm usually finding it hard to get into work mode. Well, back to paper pushing.

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