Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On Thunderclouds and Summer

Well, it's officially Summer here in the Mitten, and what better way to celebrate that then with some good old fashioned thunderstorms? I mean, it's not like we didn't have enough rain in the Spring, it was practically monsoon season. However, thunderstorms are awesome, I enjoy them. My cat on the other hand hates them, my dog is indifferent as is my bird. The rain is nature's watering can, so if the rain saves me money from watering my grass and flowers, then let it rain.

However, I'm supposed to be taking my CY endorsement road test this evening. It's sort of an on the fly type of thing. I was aiming for Friday, and I got roped into taking it today. It's funny how I've had my bike for five years and I'm just now getting around to getting my endorsement. I've been flying by on a permit all this time. I'm slightly nervous about the test, I mean, I know I'll do well on most of it, I'm just nervous about weaving through cones. We'll see how that pans out. Maybe I won't be testing at all today because there's a 50% chance of rain during the time I'm supposed to be testing.

I've got some things to look forward to, which is always nice. First, I've got this Friday off, and even though I probably won't do anything spectacular this weekend, at least I won't be at work. Then there's the weekend of the 4th. Family party plus Monday off, nice. The following weekend is my nephew's graduation party. The weekend after that is sort of a wedding party for some friends getting hitched which will be the week after that, it's an out of town sort of thing, so maybe we'll make a weekend out of that. The last week of July holds my birthday and a possible vacation. August holds more parties and a weekend at a pal's cabin. I've got a pretty nice little summer planned out.


  1. We have had lots of rain over the last month. And our summers are so short here in Minnesota anyway.

    It really gets everyone irritated when we're almost to July and have only had a handful of nice sunny days.


  2. The weather patterns are definitely changing. I can't say I remember such extreme weather when I was a kid... or maybe I didn't care.

    We've finally gotten into a nice jaunt of sunny, warm days, and it's about time too. Hope it's the same for you in MN.
