Friday, March 23, 2012

On Day Twenty Two.. and Twenty Three

Oops... I did it again. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Please don't label me as a Britney Spears lover, because I don't care for that slag at all. An after hours co-worker get together at the local watering hole turned into an all night affair, which left me no time for blogging. I know, I know, I should get my priorities straight, blog first, party later, but I wouldn't have anything to blog about without partying, right?

Though, I won't even get into last night, it would bore you immensely. Instead I'll talk about what I meant to talk about... yesterday, and today of course.

Everyone likes to think they are a beautiful and unique snowflake, which if you've read or watched Fight Club you know is not true. All day yesterday I was trying to think of something that made me different from everyone else. I was thinking about my personality, my character, hobbies, my crustacean pincers that I have for toes, my likes and dislikes and I got to thinking, there isn't much that sets me a part. I'm pretty much just like everyone else, with a few little fun exceptions. I don't think it's necessarily bad to not stand out from the crowd, but that's probably because I prefer to blend in. Don't get me wrong, I occasionally enjoy the lime light, I mean, who doesn't? But generally, I like to keep to myself, and keep others guessing about me. Okay, I suppose there might be one thing that sets me apart, I'm not an open book right away. I've got two different personalities, there's the personality that the people who've known for a long time get (the real me), and then there's the pretend personality (not me at all.) I often exhibit this personality at work, my co-workers seem to think I'm such a quiet, sweet gal who never uses curse words and is easily offended. Now, if you see (the real me) you know that I'm a scumbag jokester who sometimes curses like a sailor. This may or may not be okay, but that's who I am.

There are often things that I think about that I want intensely. If it's something to purchase, I usually have to save up enough cabbage to purchase them. For instance, I recently bought a Canon Rebel T2i which I'd been coveting for years. I'm pretty passionate about photography, and while I'm no Annie Leibovitz, I do get lucky from time to time with certain shots. With my new camera, I've been capturing some pretty spectacular shots, and I'm all of a sudden in love with dslr technology.

Then there's the other standard cravings, like food cravings, I think we all have those. Sometimes I crave salt (apparently that means you're dehydrated), sometimes I crave sweets. I know I should stay away from the garbage food, it's not good for me, and will likely give me a fat ass in the future, but sometimes I just can't say no. Sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than a bag of chips or a Hershey Bar. I don't nearly eat enough vegetables, and since I'm a vegetarian, that's kind of an oxymoron, huh?

But what do I crave a lot? Well, it's usually something I can't have right away, which makes me want it all the more. Isn't that always the truth? Right now, I'm actually trying to procure some hard cover copies of some of my favorite books. I don't know why, but hard cover is just better. Some of the books I'm trying to get are a little pricey, so it's going to take some digging around to find them cheaper and in good condition, but it's worth the wait.

What is something that you're always craving?

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